Hand reflexology blog

Hand Reflexology Self Treatment

Resident Pui Parmar recommends practising Hand Reflexology while at home during the pandemic to alleviate stress and anxiety.

hand reflexology chart

Hand Reflexology is a great tool to manage stress and anxiety, it’s easy to perform on yourself and it only takes 10 minutes. I have shown many clients, friends and my family how to use it whenever they notice themselves feeling stressed or anxious.

I wanted to share this gem of a video from the Association of Reflexology as it clearly demonstrates how to stimulate reflex points in the hand to trigger the body’s natural healing response and to aid relaxation. It is 20 minutes long, (the actual reflexology sequence takes only 10 mins with a 10 mins warm-up) and it is easy to learn the steps. It is one of those things that I wish more people knew how to do - especially during this pandemic. 

Stay safe, 
Pui x