Nikki blog

No Filter Needed – Forma & Morpheus8 by Inmode

We are extremely excited to be introducing our new Morpheus8 machine by InMode!

The Medispa @ The Hogarth Club has been remarkably busy during lockdown preparing to introduce some amazing new treatments to the list, when we finally get back to work. We have been listening to your requests and concerns and have finally found the machine for the job!

Over the course of the many lockdowns, Kellie, The Medispa manager, has been researching and talking with many other top industry professionals to gain some insight into which Face & Body Tightening treatments work well and produce NOTICABLE results. After much deliberation, she finally settled on the Morpheus8 machine by Inmode.

Inmode is a biotechnology company that specialises in developing and creating incredible machines and technology for use in the medical, surgical and aesthetics industries. Morpheus8 and Forma are 2 handpieces that can be attached to the InMode Morpheus8 machine, depending on your needs. Developed by doctors and scientists, Morpheus8 and Forma treatments are FDA Approved and unlike many devices on the market currently, they have the clinical study evidence to back them up! 

These treatments aim to bridge the gap at the Medispa. Currently, we have Coolsculpting, for fat freezing & fat reduction and we also have the Harmony XL Pro platform that offers multiple solutions for the face, but we found that after achieving amazing results with these platforms, there was still one area of concern that came up in almost every consultation…. Sagging Jowls and Sagging skin. 

As we age, the muscles and fat migrate downwards making us look old, tired and heavy on the bottom of the face. You could be using the best skincare and doing loads of exercise, but this will still not address the sagging lower face and neck. Unfortunately, due to the current climate, this concern has only become more prominent, as many of us are at home, constantly on zoom video calls.

before and after forma and morpheus8 radiofrequency skin tightening

So what's the difference between Forma and Morpheus8 RF Skin Tightening treatments?

While both treatments treat sagging and lax skin, there are a few differences. Morpheus8 uses fractionated needles which deliver the Radiofrequency energy to the dermal layer to create new collagen and tighten the skin. A topical anaesthetic will be applied prior to treatment. Morpheus8 can be used both for face and body. There is some downtime, however, less treatments are needed compared to Forma. Results are seen around 3 months after treatment.

Forma is suitable for most people and is an ideal treatment for those that are concerned about loose skin on the face or body but do not want the downtime. Forma uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate new collagen production without the needles, instead feeling like a hot stone massage. This is less invasive; however, you will need a course of treatments to achieve the best results.

Morpheus8 and Forma are non-surgical radiofrequency procedures that aim to bridge this gap for those of us who are not wanting to undergo liposuction, but still need more than general skincare. It is also for the clients who may have been considering a facelift but are not yet ready for one. It works incredibly and we cannot wait to introduce it to you all! 

… Who else is as excited as I am?!

Read more about each RF Skin Tightening treatment to get a further understanding of what these two treatments work and how they can work for you!





Email Practice Manager Kellie Lloyd to be put on a wait list to be contacted for more information including prices or to book a free consultation as soon as The Medispa reopens post-lockdown!