
Park Club member Lorraine O'Mullane and 'The Dr Bela Effect'

I have a confession to make and I think its time I came clean. I've not been on holiday, (actually I could do with one, but that's another story!), no, nothing has happened that I can attribute the numerous compliments I have received over the past two weeks, apart from what I'm now calling 'The Dr Bela Effect'.

Dr Bela Horvath, the newest addition to the Park Club family, is quite simply the best dermatologist I have ever seen, and I've seen a few! I thought a little bit of 'freshening up' was in order, following a couple of pretty stressful years which have taken their toll in many ways, and despite spending over 20 years working in the beauty industry, my skin had suffered a lot recently. This may be the result of having three kids, a husband and little time to spend on myself, I'm not sure, but whatever it was I had reached the point where I didn't really like the 'Me' I saw looking back in the mirror.

So I found myself in front of Dr Horvath, not quite sure what I wanted or needed, just knowing I would like to look a little less 'worn'.

Lets just say I found the right man for the job!

I have been transformed, refreshed, given that post holiday glow (aka botox), all from the comfort of his treatment room in the new MediSpa at the Park Club.

Dr Horvath takes the task of making you look better seriously, and the results speak for themselves. After analysing how my muscles move, where I needed some 'help' and the effects we wanted to achieve, he knew exactly where the botox should go. I held my breath, expecting to feel each injection....nothing, no pain, no bruising... nothing!!! This, I'm not afraid to admit is a first for me, I don't like needles and would normally run a mile unless I had lots of anaesthetic, but this was different, almost relaxing. I've found some facials more uncomfortable, and when I left it was impossible to tell I'd had anything done.

A few days later the compliments began, and even my husband noticed how 'well' I was looking. This was another first as it normally takes him a couple of weeks to notice a new hair cut.

I love it, I look different in a very subtle way. More relaxed, less stressed but with enough expression to still look completely normal, fantastic!

Dr Horvath has a prestigious background in dermatology and a passionate interest in skin cancer prevention, so along with my totally amazing botox treatment, I had all my moles and freckles checked for good measure. With a clean bill of health in that department, I'm already planning my next visit after the summer holidays for a top up of the 'Dr Bela effect'. I have a feeling that once word gets out, Dr Horvath's waiting list will grow incredibly fast, so I for one will be making my appointments well in advance!

For a unique opportunity to appreciate what's involved in Botox Treatments with Dr Bela, sign up to a MediSpa Open Session