
Specialist Massage October Offers

It’s been a lovely fall so far, and with it, the dawning of my 33rd professional year. 

I have trained in nearly the same number of therapies, the better to precisely tailor a session to you personally, every time, no matter what’s brought you in. 

I love doing bodywork, it encompasses so much more than massage, and it allows me to work in such a way that between the first appointment, or last, there is a consistent, nearly seamless delivery for the client. Myofascial Release can be done fully or partially clothed (although I do need to be hands on, for scar tissue work). MFR is also a treatment style that allows for passive or active movement to resolve limited mobility. The Access Bars is a little of ‘me’ time that you’ll really enjoy – relaxing on the couch and having your stresses gently soothed away. As we work through the access points on your head, will make you say ‘shha’ 

Members’ specials this month include £10 off Scar Reduction, Myofascial Release/ Trigger point Therapy, & Free ½ hr taster session of Access Bars. 

Courses are 6 for the cost of 5, you can mix and match treatments, use it in 30, 60 or 90 min sessions & you can share them with family or friends.

For further questions and enquiries - please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact form below. Click here to read Cherie's full treatment list in detail.