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Known as the red carpet facelift, learn more about this non-invasive, celebrity loved treatment & how it can work for you!

Forma Skin Tightening is a non-invasive new treatment that offers noticeable results. It is loved by celebrities all over the world and is the secret to many fresh faces that appear at award shows and on the red carpet. It has no downtime and results in fresher, smoother and tighter skin. 

How does it work?

Forma works by heating the skin and tissue where the handpiece is applied using Radiofrequency energy. The energy gradually heats the dermal layer where all of your collagen bonds reside. The gradual heating of the dermal layer will cause a small amount of micro-injury will occur under the skin. This causes the skin to react as it would if there had been an injury and it will start to repair the heated tissue, building new collagen bonds. These new collagen bonds are responsible for the significant tightening, contouring and lifting of the skin that can be achieved with a Forma treatment.

Why Forma? 

There has been a significant demand for non-invasive procedures and this is increasing. The traditional product only facials are becoming old fashioned and the demand is now for treatments that deliver on results.

Forma is loved by celebrities and many have been pictured in the news or on Instagram having the treatment because it allows for significant but natural-looking results in as little as 30 minutes, depending on the area being treated. It is known for having long-lasting results and no downtime at all.

Your aesthetician will use the handpiece to focus on an area, heating the dermis to around 41-43 degrees where injury and repair can start to happen. The treatment feels like a warm stone massage and there is no pain or downtime. 

Am I suitable for Forma? 

Since Forma is a non-invasive pain-free treatment, most people are suitable to have Forma. If you suffer from sagging jowls, wrinkly necks, crows feet and under-eye sallowness, then this is the treatment for you! 

Clients are having Forma done from as young as 20, it is a procedure that can repair some of the damage done over the years and repair visible signs of ageing but it is also an amazing preventative treatment, with younger clients opting for Forma as a way of holding off the signs of ageing. 

During your consultation, you will be advised on any underlying health conditions that may affect your treatment and if you are not suitable for Forma, then your Aesthetician may be able to provide you with an alternative. 

How many treatments do I need?

It is recommended to have a course of treatments, however, to achieve the best results for you, we personalise the treatment according to your needs. You can book in with your Aesthetician who will be able to have a thorough look at your skin and advise on the correct course for you. Usually, it is advisable to have at least 5 treatments so that your collagen bonds can start their journey of repair and regeneration. 

You will have results from treatment 1 but long-lasting noticeable results you need a course. Clients who have had a Forma course have reported seeing results up to 4 years after treatment!  This depends on the number of treatments you have, the regularity of treatment and how you look after your skin at home. 

Post Procedure

Forma does not have any downtime however the skin may appear slightly pinker than usual for a few hours after treatment due to stimulation and increased blood circulation. There is no specialist aftercare required, however as with all facial treatments, SPF 50 is recommended as it not only protects the skin from skin cancers but also helps to prevent signs of ageing.  You can buy our recommendation here Heliocare link. It is also recommended to follow up your Forma treatments with an appropriate home care routine to maintain the results.

Procedure Time? 15 - 135 minutes
Results? Immediate improvement but best results after 3 months. Results last up to 4 years depending on the number of treatments and frequency
Back to work? Immediately
Anaesthetic? None
Possible side effects? Slight redness/ heat sensitivity for a few hours

Before and Afters

before and afters forma laser face and neck tightening the Hogarth medispa

How do I book? 

If you are interested in Forma, please book in to see your Aesthetician for a consultation where your skin will be assessed. You may be recommended a combination of treatments depending on what would best suit your skin and get you the results that you want. Please call us on 0208 747 4746 or email us at